Monday, December 30, 2019

unit 8 activity plan s care need - 1679 Words

Charlette Cox The setting in which the activity will take place is a nursery and it will take place within the baby room. There will be 2 other members of staff present and the number of babies varies. There isn’t a title for the activity as it’s more of an experience as it’s to suit a care need. He is months old. The aim of this experience is to help meet the baby’s individual care needs when changing a nappy. I have chosen to do this activity because my supervisor guided me to do him as he wriggles when being changed. To do this activity I observed the child whilst there nappy changed. The activity that I have planned is to when the baby needs his nappy changing to do it myself whilst being supervised by a member of staff. So when I†¦show more content†¦I did this activity following the babies’ routine in which I had to plan for. There isn’t a title to the activity as it is an activity to help a baby to sleep. The aim of this activity/ experience is to hopefully help the baby settle quicker when being put down for a nap. I choose to this as it would hopefully settle the child and sooth the baby quicker than usual and this would hopefully make the baby fewer distresses, as the baby would often coo or cry out which would disturb the other babies. By doing this activity/experience it will be meeting the baby’s individual care needs. Plus it is proven that baby’s nervous system grows and intellectual skills are developed. â€Å"Cranky baby who may have more difficulty not only sleep but also learning, intellectual, and socializing† Mick and Nick (2011) infant sleep Facts, As part of the babies daily routine they always have a sleep after lunch and I noticed that whilst in this routine the baby would often take time to settle during this part of the routine. I discussed with my supervisor a way in which to maybe help the child settle quicker. I prepared for this activity be ensuring that the cot was all set up correctly and that the music box was in the sleeping area already. Witch child has their own individual needs and meeting these needs is essential as not every baby is the same or has the same routine to go to sleep. Some parents may not want their baby to have a sleepShow MoreRelatedHealthcare Management Functions Of A Director Of Maternal Child Services1467 Words   |  6 Pagesthe different units report to the three assistant directors, as well as herself. Coulter, Decenzo, and Robbins (2014) said that â€Å"planning involves defining the organization’s objectives or goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities. It’s concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as with means (how it’s to be done)† (p.123). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Othello the Feminine Perspective Essay - 2729 Words

Othello, Shakespeare’s tragic drama, has much to say about women and the attitudes of social groups and individuals towards them. Let’s examine, from the top down, from the general to the lower ranks, these outlooks on women and other feminine considerations. Kenneth Muir, in the Introduction to William Shakespeare: Othello, explains the Moor’s blind ignorance of his won wife: Iago begins his temptation on the following morning, and he is able to exploit Othello’s comparative ignorance of his wife. This ignorance is only partly due to the fact that they have had no opportunity of living together. It is due to a number of other factors. Othello comes of royal birth but he has won for himself a place of distinction in the†¦show more content†¦Once there the two awaken the senator with loud shouts about his daughter’s elopement with Othello. In response to the noise and Iago’s vulgar descriptions of Desdemona’s involvement with the general, Brabantio arises from bed. With Roderigo’s help, he gathers a search party to go and find Desdemona and bring her home. The father’s attitude is that life without his Desdemona will be much worse than before: It is too true an evil: gone she is; And whats to come of my despised time Is nought but bitterness. (1.1) Brabantio is the old father, and he hates to lose the comforting services of his Desdemona. The daughter’s husband Othello expresses his sentiments to Iago regarding his relationship with the senator’s daughter, saying that I love the gentle Desdemona, I would not my unhoused free condition Put into circumscription and confine For the seas worth. (1.2) Once that Brabantio has located Othello, the father presses charges publicly in order to have Desdemona returned: To prison, till fit time Of law and course of direct session Call thee to answer. (1.2) The proceedings which take place before the Duke of Venice enable the audience to hear the feminine point of view for theShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Effects of Femininity1571 Words   |  7 Pagesideas of femininity have on literary texts, we must first acknowledge what the term means. Clearly both terms derive from the original sex of the being, whether male or female, and can be similarly tied in with notions of gender, either masculine or feminine, which are said to be constructs, or labels, created by society. However `masculinity and `femininity become, on some levels, dislodged from the idea of the biological makeup and gender constructs, and instead tend to be described in terms ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare Essay1606 Words   |  7 PagesThe theme of power is explored in various ways throughout ‘Othello’, Shakespeare uses the vulnerability of characters’ flaws to allow power shifts to occur through manipulation. The Elizab ethan value consensus highlights the difference in gender roles, with societal expectations being defined by the divine order. The limitations of social mobility provide a strong platform for the theme of power to be embedded upon, with characters such as Desdemona and Emilia representing the struggle that womenRead More Custom Written Term Papers: Othello’s Feminine Perspective2811 Words   |  12 PagesOthello’s Feminine Perspective  Ã‚        Ã‚   The audience finds in Othello, Shakespeare’s tragic drama, the feminine perspective on life in general and on various aspects of life. These feminine perspectives from the three lady-characters are not consistent and uniform among the ladies. Let’s consider them in this paper.    Alvin Kernan’s â€Å"Othello: an Introduction† explains the protagonist’s delayed conversion to the feminine perspective:    His willingness to speak of what he has doneRead MoreA Relationship Between A White And A Black Mother1313 Words   |  6 Pagestruth about a man before committing to him (Desdemona 20) However, she gets swayed by Othello, which perhaps filled the void left by her nursemaid. One interesting fact is the obvious feminist perspective in this play. Simone Beauvoir opines that women’s dream of great love usually comes in false and imperfect form (The Second Sex 684). Desdemona and Barbary ill-fated love seem to affirm the feminist perspective that women’s experience is the same when it comes to relationship with men, irrespectiveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello, The Moor Of Venice Essay1251 Words   |  6 PagesIn the play Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare, the women take on various roles in this Venetian society. The roles include committing fraud, playing the part of the victim, and playing the part of the hero. In this Venetian society in the 1600 s, the women served major purposes and were vital to keep the towns running. However, the women also faced being victimized and stereotyped in this man-run society. Women were inferior to men, treated unequally, and women were also viewed asRead More Othello: Emilia’s Metamorphosis Essay example1209 Words   |  5 PagesOthello: Emilia’s Metamorphosis  Ã‚        Ã‚   In his tragic play Othello, Shakespeare endows the minor character Emilia with some important functions. Her character, which changes dramatically in several ways toward the finale of the play, is the topic of this essay.    A.C. Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, defines the character of the ancient’s wife:    Few of Shakespeare’s minor characters are more distinct than Emilia, and towards few do our feelingsRead More Emilia, A Heroine of Shakespeares Othello Essay1305 Words   |  6 PagesEmilia, A Heroine of Shakespeares Othello   Ã‚   Shakespeare, in his tragedy Othello, presents a minor character who does great things in the final act. Her character is deserving of analysis. Kenneth Muir, in the Introduction to William Shakespeare: Othello,   explains the motivation of Emilia through most of the play: Emilia’s character, too, is determined by the plot. In the source, the villain’s wife is privy to the nefarious designs. Shakespeare wisely makes her, like the other charactersRead MoreLiterary Scholarship And Criticism Of Shakespeare s The Invention Of The Human 1309 Words   |  6 Pagesable to express himself more vividly and memorably than anyone else in the language† (p. 7). J.J.M. Tobin’s three components of Shakespeare’s artistry will serve as the anchors for exploring how four of Shakespeare’s prominent tragedies, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear, demonstrate the faculty of Shakespeare’s expertise. Through the lens of Tobin’s analytical â€Å"ebullition† of Shakespeare’s work, this paper seeks to expand and qualify the magnetic aura that is Shakespeare; his ability to breathRead More Goodnight Desdemona: a Feminist Introspection of Shakespeare2482 Words   |  10 Pagesunderstanding we may read Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) to be true feminist reworking of Shakespeare. Therefore the metatheatre’s intertextuality reinforces and supports the traits of the feminine. MacDonald’s main Character, Constance Ledbelly is searching for the missing link in Shakespeare’s Othello and Romeo and Juliet, the missing link from the original source works of his plays. Just as Cons tance explores from studying the Gustav manuscript that something is missing from Shakespere’s playsRead More The Role of Femininity in Shakespeares Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear2337 Words   |  10 PagesThe Role of Femininity in Shakespeares Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear similarly experience an unhooking (Tompkins) in the eponymous plays. These tragic figures struggle with internal and external femininity: after realizing their emotions and labeling them feminine, they identify women as the source of this negative femininity. Their inability to deal with the female gender in any form destabilizes their masculinity, causing an unhooking/unlatching within them

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bullying Relational Aggression and Boys Free Essays

Bullying 1. Why do you think that bullying is an issue to study in Lifespan Development? I believe that bullying should be studies in Lifespan Development because Bullying is a multifaceted form of mistreatment, seen in schools and the workplace. It is characterized by the repeated exposure of one person to physical and emotional aggression like teasing, name calling, mockery, threats, harassment, taunting, hazing, social exclusion or rumours. We will write a custom essay sample on Bullying: Relational Aggression and Boys or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lifespan Development is the exploration of the biological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur across different periods of life. So I believe the two go hand in hand. 2. Describe the three components or types of bullying behavior, as observed by researchers. The three important components of bullying : 1. Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions. 2. Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time. 3. Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength. 3. Explain how gender influences the styles of bullying. In contrast to girls, boys of any age and ethnic group tend to be physically aggressive (e. g. , hit, kick, slap, push, or punch) . Also, research shows that physical abuse tends to occur more often among boys than girls at all educational levels (e. g. , elementary, high school, college). Also, male college students tend to bully and be bullied through physical and verbal forms of bullying (e. g. , name-calling) more often than college girls. Also, boys may be more accepting of bullying, than are girls. That is, boys may like a girl even if she bullies others. In contrast, girls may still befriend boys that bully, but tend to dislike girls that bully. At the core of these differences is children’s and, indeed, societal beliefs about acceptable behaviors for boys and girls. Many people may see bullying among boys as â€Å"just boys being boys. † So, girls may accept this attitude and tolerate boys’ bullying. However, girls may be less accepting of girls who bully if it is seen as overly aggressive. Girls tend to bully other girls through the peer group. Rather than bully a targeted child directly, girls more often share with other girls (and boys) hurtful information about the targeted child. For example, a girl may tell a group of girls an embarrassing story about another girl. They may create mean names, gossip, and come up with ways of letting the girl know that she is rejected from the peer group (for example, saying mean things about her on Facebook, using her email address to send harassing messages to everyone on her email list, texting her a death threat). These are called â€Å"relational† bullying because they attack relationships and friendships. Another example of bullying experienced more often by girls than boys is sexual (e. g. , touched in private body parts or received sexual messages). Sexual types of bullying may occur at school, in the general community, and on-line. In recent Canadian and U. S. surveys, a significant number of girls report receiving unwanted sexual messages. Fewer boys reported being targeted. This form of bullying combined with messages about rejection from friendships is just as hurtful as being physically attacked, maybe even more hurtful. Rejecting messages can devastate a girl’s sense of enthusiasm for school and learning, self-esteem, and hopes for the future. These forms of bullying can be particularly time-consuming and difficult to resolve given that they involve many people over a period of time. It may even involve adults who react aggressively in defence of their children. In addition, parents and school authorities do not always detect gossiping or other covert bullying behaviors because it’s generally hidden from adults. Thus, they may not be disciplined and â€Å"caught†, which may increase the severity and duration of these behaviours. It may even occur among â€Å"friends†, making it seem that it’s just usual peer conflict. However, when one girl feels powerless in how she is being treated, then bullying is occurring, and adults need to intervene. Reference: http://www. education. com/reference/article/Ref_Bullying_Differences Children at Play 1. What kinds of skills are developed through play? 2. Why do children play? 3. List two kinds of gender preferences in play. How to cite Bullying: Relational Aggression and Boys, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

In What way has Shakespeare in Act 1 Scene 1 introduced dramatic tension and some of the key themes in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students

In What way has Shakespeare in Act 1 Scene 1 introduced dramatic tension and some of the key themes in Romeo and Juliet? Essay There are many themes in Romeo and Juliet, the main one is love. The play focuses on romantic love, especially on the concentrated passion that comes up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, love takes over everything for example families, friends and other loyalties. Deft thy father and refuse my name? this shows us that Juliet is contemplating her name as a Capulet. Love takes over Romeo as after the party Romeo abandons Mercutio and Benvolio to go to Juliet. Also Romeo risks his on life coming back to Verona when the Prince exiles him because he avenged Mercutios death. There is also a relationship in the themes of love and death, passion and violence. The connection between hate, violence and death is very obvious in the play. Even in the first scene, we can see the hatred between the Montagues and Capulets. The violence breaks out and one of the Montague servants is hurt. The relationship between love, hate and violence is easily seen in the play as later on in the play, Tybalt and Mercutio fight there is violence, Tybalt hates Romeo and Mercutio is sticking up for him so Tybalt takes it out on him. Mercutio says as he dies A plague on both your houses they have made worms meat of me Romeo then goes after Tybalt for he has slain one of Romeos dearest friends. One last plat is fate. We know that this comes in right from the start Star- Crosses this is to say that fate controls them. When Romeo believes that Juliet is dead he cries out then I defy you, stars completing the idea that the love between Romeo and Juliet is in opposition with the decrees of destiny. From Forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star crossed lovers take their life, whose misadventure piteous overthrows. Doth with their death bury their parents strife. O, I am fortunes Fool! (ROMEO) Then I defy you stars. (ROMEO) These quotes show us that the theme of fate as it plays out through the story. The chorus quote informs the audience that the lovers are destined to die tragically which would build up tension in the audience, as they will contemplate how they will die. The second quote illustrates the fact that Romeo sees himself as subject to the whims of fate. The third quote is just after he hears of Juliets death he declares himself openly opposed to the destiny that so grieves him. Shakespeare chooses a sonnet for effect in the prologue; a sonnet is a poem of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme. Shakespeare also used a sonnet because they were very popular in Elizabethan times. Shakespeares prologue carries a message and a sonnet would make it interesting and it was also appropriate for a serious love poem. Also the prologue tells us whats going to happen in the play. This is a very good idea as it builds up dramatic tension in the audience because the audience now begin to contemplate how the plot comes together. Shakespeare introduces your imagination into the prologue by saying, From ancient grudge break new mutiny this makes us ponder on what the grudge is and would also make the audience ponder what the grudge was. As I said earlier fate plays a big part in the play as when it says A pair of star crossed lovers this means it was predicted in the stars and there was nothing that could have been done to stop it. Elizabethan and modern audiences find this interesting, as they would question again how they would die. The language would build up tension in this fatal take their life this shows us that there will be death and destruction in the play. It is also emotional death Markd love for loving each other they die. It was important that Shakespeare raised tension at the beginning of the play so people wouldnt be bored and leave the theatre as Shakespeare wanted people to come back and tell their friends to go and see it just like directors now a days want people to go back and tell their friends it was fantastic for example the Lord of the Rings. Examine how Shakespeare uses key features of language to create tension, drama and atmosphere in Act 1 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet EssayTis true and therefore women being the weaker vessels are ever thrust to the wall. This shows us that not only do they think of women as weaker but also sex toys that they can use whenever they want, basically just rape them. It is important to the rest of the play that the audience know that women have no respect as Lady Capulet and Lady Montague both break before their husbands. But Shakespeare put Juliet into the play, which contradicts this, as Juliet is a strong, dominant and stubborn character. When the officers, Lords and Ladies enter the atmosphere would be chaotic as you would have the Lords wanting to join in and the Ladies trying to stop this brawl before anyone gets hurt. Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe. Prince Escales then enters and immediately tries to stop the fight he is very angry that blood has been spilt again Throw your mistemperd weapons to the ground and hear the sentence of your Prince. He is upset and angry that this has caused old people who cannot fight to go out and try and stop it but will properly get hurt. He orders that the next time the streets are disturbed someone will die for it. If you ever disturb our quite streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. The Montagues then speak with Benvolio as their concerns over Romeo come out as they never see him as he sleeps during the day and lives during the night. Romeo is a stereotypical Italian as he is a young spurned lover, he also acts before he thinks about his actions. Lord and Lady Montague send Benvolio to speak to him as in the whole of the play we never see a bond between the parents and the children. The parents can connect with other children but not their own, we can see this in a classical example with the Nurse and Lady Capulet. Nurse give leave a while, we must talk in secret. Nurse come back again. Lady Capulet cannot be in the same room with Juliet on her own and talk to her as we can see the Nurse has to be there. We can only presume that this was because the rich and powerful had servants to look after their children so there was no bond between them. Lady Montague is concerned with Romeos welfare, as it seems to be upset. She also wants Benvolio to convince him to come out of his depression. Black and portentous must this humour prove unless good council may the cause remove This shows us she cant do it herself she wants Benvolio to convince him to get out of the mood he is in. Benvolio is trying to get Romeo out of him depression Benvolio is trying to find out what is wrong with Romeo why is he in this depression. Romeo is feeling unrequited love for Rosaline. Out of her favour where I am in love. He is out of favour with Rosaline as she will be chaste and will have nothing to do with Romeo. Romeo is feeling in the depths of depression. Romeo is in a mixed up mood and doesnt know what he is talking about. This would prepare the audience for the rest of the play as we have already had builds up of tension in the play and the audience would know this and expect it more. I think the audience would find the ending of the play really emotional as the lovers die but many audience members would be left with many whys? For example Why didnt the letter get there in time I think the audience would find the ending horrible and would want a different ending.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Best Great Gatsby Character Analysis

Best Great Gatsby Character Analysis SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Familiar with the characters of The Great Gatsby, but need to analyze one or more of them for an essay or class assignment? This article has got your back! In it, we'll discuss what the point of analyzing a book character is. We'll also talk about the dos and donts of writing a character analysis, essay, explaining how to go from an argument to finding evidence. Finally, we'll give you an example of how to develop an essay of this type by constructing one around the old money characters (Tom, Daisy, and Jordan). You'll also find links to our in-depth articles on each of The Great Gatsby's main characters, explaining their role and significance in the novel, key quotes for each, and some ideas for essay topics, really helping you pull together your thoughts about these characters! Why Write a The Great Gatsby Character Analysis Essay? By assigning a character analysis, your teacher is giving you the chance to practice many different writing and analysis skills, including: close reading incorporating evidence from the novel into an essay building a larger argument tying small details you notice while reading into one of the book’s larger themes The Great Gatsbyis the perfect book for character analysis since it features seven major characters that interact in interesting ways across gender and class lines.Since this novel has so many beautiful and fascinating bits of character description, it will also get youto practice using evidence from the text in an argument. So make sure that any character analysis you write builds on the skills you are learning in class! We will go over some do’s and don’t of character analysis below. Character Analysis Do's Here are some tips for constructing an excellent The Great Gatsbycharacter analysis essay. Createan Argument, Not Just a Topic There is a big difference between an essay topic and an essay argument. Most of the time,your teacher will giveyou an essay topic - in other words, what your essay should be about generally. Normally a topicwill involve connecting the character to one of the novel’s larger themes, especially money and materialism, the American Dream, love and desire, or the relationship between upper and lower classes in society. If you design your own topic, you could explain howyour chosen character illuminatesone of the novel's symbols or motifs. For our example, let's take the common prompt, â€Å"Write an essay about how either Tom, Daisy, or Jordan represents old money.† This essay assignment has the topicbuilt in: it wants you to takeone of those characters and explain how their individual qualities tie them to the bigger abstract idea of the old money class. But you still have to come up with the argument yourself. An argument is exactly what it sounds like - it's a point that you're trying to make by using reasons and evidence. There's an easy test for figuring out whether you're working with an argument. Could someone argue the opposite of what you're saying? Then yes, that's an argument. Otherwise, it's just a statement of fact.Plus, anessay anchored by a surprising assertion will immediately seem more interesting - how on earth are you going to prove this, your reader will be wondering. In our example essay, let's say that we've decided to analyze Tom. It'stempting to use something like this as the"argument": Tom's wealth and privilege show that he is part of the old money class. But could anyone argue the opposite? Not at all - because this is a factual description, not a contentious statement. Instead, anargument should make some kind of provocative, challengeable point: Tom Buchanan is an example of Nick’s scathing depiction of the old money class as fearful and insecure despite enormous privilege. Now, that someone could argue with! After all, Tom doesn't at first glance seem like someone who is fearful or insecure. Feeling like one of these goats means you're doing the argument right. Outline How You Will Prove Your Argument Make sure each paragraph is anchored by a thesis statement -a one-sentence summary of what part of your argument this particular paragraph is going to prove. Also, loosely plan out what evidence you will use to back up each paragraph's thesis statement. It can be helpful to create a simple outline before hand to guide how you’ll go about your essay. This will keep your essay clearly organized, and make writing easier. In our example essay, an outline could look like: Argument:Tom Buchanan is an example of Nick’s scathing depiction of the old money class as fearful and insecure despite enormous privilege. Paragraph 1: The trappings of Tom’s lifeshow his privilege and his insecurity. Evidence: fancy house polo horses enormous wealth year in France Paragraph 2: Tom actions constantly hint at his insecurity about his status. Evidence: depressed that his football glory days are behind him racist tirade shows he thinks the elite is about to be swept off the map has affairs only with lower-class women he can dominate Paragraph 3: Tom's constant policing of other people's behavior shows how much he wants to reinforce class divisions in the face of them eroding. Evidence: throwing money at Myrtle to buy ten dogs grousing about Gatsby misinterpreting the invitation from the Sloanes andmockingthe pink suit investigating Gatsby's criminal dealings even when already pretty sure Gatsby is a bootlegger Paragraph 4: Tom decisions around Myrtle's murder show that he is more cowardly than his intimidating physical presence leads us to believe. Evidence: manipulating George to kill Gatsby rather because he was scared of George's gun running away with Daisy rather than sticking around to face consequences Conclusion: Tom's privilege only heightens his sense of himself as a victim whose status is in danger of being usurped. Tom isa scathing portrait of old money royalty. Use and Analyze Evidence to Support Your Argument Bold arguments depend on a solid use of evidence to back them up. That means you can't just throw a quote into your writing and move on! Instead, use this rule of thumb: for each line of quoted text you insert, make sure you have 2-4 lines of your own explaining and interpreting the meaning of the quote as it relates to your argument. To back upour example argument, we would nowscour the book to find evidence of Tom being insecure or fearful. Once we've got something, though, it can't just be thrown into the essay willy nilly like this: Nick says that Tom was "one of those men who reach such an acute limited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterward savors of anti-climax" (1.16). Instead, wehave to connect thisdescription to thelarger argument, using close reading to really get at the meaning of the words Nick is choosing: Nick is pointing out that Tom's athletic achievements happened too long ago to keep feeding Tom's ego, Instead, because nothing has ever lived up to his football glory days, Tom is spending his time trying to avoid the depressing feeling of "anti-climax." Use Evidence to Address Counterarguments Because you've created an actually disputable argument, you can take the time to swat away the opposite position. In the example essay we've been constructing, we'rearguing that Tom Buchanan represents Fitzgerald’s critique of old money and is essentially an antagonist. We shouldaddress the idea thatTom is the novel's sharpest observer of people. (After all, unlike Nick, Tom immediately pegs Gatsby as a bootlegger.)This seemingly positive quality could be spun to be yet another example of Tom's insecurity - he is very quick to leap to judgment rather than giving people the benefit of the doubt. Character Analysis Don'ts Now that we've covered what youshoulddo in aGatsby character analysis essay, let's go over some mistakes you should avoid. Avoid Stating the Obvious Don’t just say what the character is like, list descriptions from the book, or summarize what the character did without adding any analysis. For example, don’t just say â€Å"Gatsby is flamboyant, throws big parties, and even wears a pink suit sometimes. He does all of this to try and win back Daisy, the love of his life.† All that does is summarize something that is obvious from the book. Instead, tie those observations to a larger idea. For example, â€Å"the extravagance of Jay’s parties and dress marks him as a member of the newly rich, allowing Fitzgerald to satirize the newly rich in America as he also critiques the cruelty of old money† or â€Å"Jay’s obsessive pursuit of Daisy reveals an unrealistic obsession with reliving the past.† Don’t Make All or Nothing Claims About a Character The beauty of this novel is that the statements â€Å"Daisy is a horrible person† or â€Å"Daisy is a misunderstood martyr† are both wrong. Instead, try and find the nuances, the good and the bad points of each character, and make them work for your bigger argument. For example, if you’re writing an essay about how Daisy represents the limited options available to women in the 1920s, you would likely be more sympathetic to some of her behavior, but you still shouldn’t excuse her hit-and-run! Don’t FocusonIncluding Every Single Scene or Line That Features Your Character Even for a short novel, Gatsby is jam-packed with meaningful dialogue, imagery, and plot events, and you couldn’t possibly analyze every single key moment for each character in one essay! (You could – and people have – write whole books on the subject!) Instead, focus on finding a few moments and analyzing them in detail, then tying them to your main point. Remember that the quality of analysis is worth morethan the quantity of evidence! Character Analysis Links Each of our character pages has a detailed section with analysis of each character. You can also get some helpful background information, a summary of the character’s actions in the book, and important quotes by and about them: Jay Gatsby Nick Carraway Daisy Buchanan Tom Buchanan Jordan Baker Myrtle Wilson George Wilson The Bottom Line onThe Great GatsbyCharacter Analysis Character analysis is achance to practice many different writing and analysis skills. To construct a character analysis essay: Createan argument -a debatable, provocative point that you're trying to make by using reasons and evidence. Use an outline to organize your essay: Anchoreach paragraph by a thesis statement -a one-sentence summary of what part of your argument this particular paragraph is going to prove. Loosely plan out what evidence you will use to back up each paragraph's thesis statement. Use evidence to back up your thesis statements. For each line of quoted text, have 2-4 lines of your own explanation relating to your argument. Take the time to swat away the counterarguments. What not to do when writing your essay: Avoid stating the obvious.Instead, tie observations to a larger idea. Don’t make all or nothing claims about a character.Instead, find the nuancesineach character, and make them work for your bigger argument. Don’t feel like you have to include every single scene or line that features your character. What’s Next? Want to get advice about comparing and contrasting characters? Head on over toour Compare/Contrast post to learn how to best write about common character pairings. Need a little more background on novel’s plot? Check out our Great Gatsbysummary, or look at a timeline of all of the events in chronological order. Interested in gettinghelp analyzing important symbols and motifs? Get an introduction to symbols in The Great Gatsbyand an overview of the novel's motifsto get started. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Essence Of Symbolism In The Ministers Black Veil

The Essence Of Symbolism In The Ministers Black Veil The short story, "The Minister's Black Veil" is by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne is known for using strong symbolism in his stories. The symbolism in this story is from a black veil that Reverend Hooper wears to a service one Sunday morning and then continues wearing it for the rest of his life. There are many theories as to why Reverend Hooper wears this veil over his face. This veil changes the life of Reverend Hooper and literally all of the town of Milford. Reverend Hooper's mysterious behavior and unclear defense of the veil he wears projects a strong sense of symbolism portrayed through the impact of the veil on his fiancÂÆ'Â ©e, Elizabeth, the community, and ultimately his own life (Martin 72-73).Rev. Hooper was the minister of a town called Milford. he had always been respected and befriended by his congregation. He had never been a very outgoing or audacious man, but an effective minister just the same.Nathaniel Hawthorne.One day Hooper appears on Sunday morning with a bl ack veil covering his face. This veil changes everything in his own life. When Hooper first began having the veil adorn him, no one wanted to ask him why he wore it. Later though, the community grew very suspicious and even frightened by of it. The veil covered Hooper's face and gave a darkened outlook to all things seen through his eyes. The veil separated Reverend Hooper from the world. It isolated him from the sin that the world emitted (Donahue 118-121).Although Hooper was a very melancholy man he smiled often. There is question as to why he did. When Elizabeth left him, he smiled. Even in death, he smiled. It can be inferred that he smiled about his veil because he knew the concept of the veil was at...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

German History Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

German History - Coursework Example Money plays major roles in Lessing’s Nathan. A case in point is evident in the line, â€Å"As often happens, money is at ebb,† which is a statement made by Hafi. This in simple terms means money is on the move. Hafi meant that money is needed to facilitate any form of movement and that the lives of people are determined by the amount of money that they have or they are willing to give in return for a service rendered (Lessing, 02-11). Sittah says that â€Å"Shall earn a thousand dinars to an asper.† This statement relates to the fact that money is a motivation to work and Sittah is ready to work hard so as to earn enough income for his survival. According to Nathan, money can be used traded to gain interest thus increasing its value and amount. He confirms this by saying telling Hafi that,â€Å"Till my capital becomes. All interest.† 3. In Kleist’s novella â€Å"Kohlhaas,† the protagonist is seeking justice. But how does his wife try to get involved, and what is the outcome for her? Is Kohlhaas a cruel man? How is he projected as a father? And how is he viewed in public well before his execution? 15 pts. Upon trying to intervene in the search for justice for her husband, Kohlhaas wife is struck down by a guard in her attempt to deliver a petition notice to the Elector of Saxony. She later dies as a result of the injuries sustained during the assault. Michael Kohlhaas has been portrayed as very cruel man who resorts into carrying out an armed uprising which seem to be beyond the injustice he had experienced as a result of the seizure of a few of his horses. Contrary to his cruelty, he is portrayed as a very good family man and a father who is very calm in his interaction with his children. Before his execution, some members of the public viewed him as a savior and their liberator (Kleist, 112-115). They considered him as one advocating

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Competetive Strategy Analysis - Samsung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Competetive Strategy Analysis - Samsung - Essay Example The current status of the firm’s competitiveness is evaluated using three strategic tools: the Five Forces model, the Value Chain analysis framework, and the Strategic Clock. The first two models were developed by Porter while the Strategic Clock has been designed by Bowman. These theoretical models allow the identification of all aspects of the firm’s strategic position in the global market. In this way, the understanding of the firm’s current position towards its rivals and of its future prospects in the particular industry becomes easier. Porter’s Five Forces Literature review The Five Forces model of Porter (see Figure 1 below) highlights the forces that a firm is likely to face when developing its daily activities. The identification and the evaluation of these forces are necessary in order to check whether a firm has prospects in its industry or not (Hill and Jones 2009). The forces included in the Five Forces model of Porter are the following: †˜a) new entrants, b) suppliers, c) buyers, d) substitute products, e) industry competition’ (Henry 2008, p.69). The analysis of this model’s elements would help to understand its value for evaluating the potentials of Samsung in the global electronics industry. ... The power of suppliers to ask for increase in prices is higher as the material/ product delivered to the client is rare and cannot be easily located through other suppliers (Roy 2011). This phenomenon is known as the bargaining power of suppliers (Roy 2011). In sectors that are critical in terms of the material used in products, the bargaining power of suppliers can be high: for example, the pharmaceutical industry or the luxury cars industry (Roy 2011). At the next level, reference should be made to the other element of Porter’s model: customers. Customers are able to press firms to proceed to the reduction of their prices in the following case: when the products/ services provided by a firm become common in the market, the customers of a firm may decide to leave their firm and prefer the products of a rival that are at lower price (Gordon 2004). The specific potential of customers can exist only if a product is widely expanded in the market or if a new entrant that offers th e same product at lower price has appeared in the local market (Gordon 2004). The term ‘substitute products’ is used for describing the products with similar characteristics but of lower quality (Ungson and Wong 2008). These products can be available at lower price since their production cost is significantly lower than that of the products with similar characteristics but of high quality (Ungson and Wong 2008). Consumers may prefer these products instead of those that used to buy until now in order to save money (Ungson and Wong 2008). Substitute products cannot particularly threaten a firm that offers products that cannot be easily replicated (Alrawashdeh 2013); Finally, reference should be

Monday, November 18, 2019

Performance Based Budgeting - management systems and techniques Term Paper

Performance Based Budgeting - management systems and techniques - Term Paper Example The requirements include procurement charges, maintenance charges, leisure and retreat activities. Once the budget is formulated and implemented only minor adjustment can be included in the budgets. According to Segal & Summers (2002) this type of budgeting has been used by organizations to ensure that they operate within a specific financial circle. However, budgeting tactics have advanced over the years as units are subjected to high costs of survival. Knaap (2007) argues that the modern cooperate environment does not provide room for an organization to finalize its budgeting at the beginning of a financial year. The author further argues that the specification of a finalized budget does not provide room for innovation and new operational strategies. It is advisable that units have budget specifications that allow for adjustment in case of emergencies without having a major impact to the unit. Financial analyst argue that performance based budgeting is the most significant trend th at budgeting has undergone. Performance based budgeting is a budgeting process based on missions, goals and objectives. PBB is a defined by an organization short term goals. According to Marc (2007) before setting aside funds, the objectives should be set aside. This budgeting is based on the question why should we spend, is what we spend worth the project and is the objective being met by the financial allocations we make. Generally, performance based budgeting is result oriented. Every single financial allocation is aimed at achieving a specific objective. Each objective budgeted for is directed towards achieving the long and short term goals of an organization. Due to the tightened financial crisis performance based budgeting has been the most budgeting method most organizations use. Analysts argue that performance based budgets are more accurate when compared to other budgeting tactics. According to Marc (2007)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Summary Of Leadership Style Toshiba Commerce Essay

Summary Of Leadership Style Toshiba Commerce Essay My leadership style is participative style according by survey. In my view my participative leadership style is appropriate for my work place. Participative leadership style helps all team members to participate in decision-making. This helps us to get proper solution for the problem and also encourage team member to share their ideas, opinion and thoughts which help in progress of organization. It will help to motivate team members and engaged them in process of organization. This style helps me work co-operatively with my subordinates. My current leadership style works out to be Participative or democratic. I have completed two surveys online (completed surveys attached with this plan), and based on the results I got from the surveys I can say that my current leadership style works out to be Participative. According to me participative style is good for work place but sometime it make me weaker, when new member come in work and they are not more experienced and skilled. But at that time I have to give more time to develop their skill by giving guidance. For that I have to communicate and provide more guidance to that member at work place. I have completed one surveys online (completed surveys attached with this plan), and based on the results I got from the surveys I can say that my current leadership style works out to be Participative. My current strengths based on the surveys are situational management, delegation of authority and collaborative effort but The main areas I need to improve communication and pressure handling. Participative leadership style is the leadership style where a leader gives subordinates the opportunity to fully participate in decision making process. It is used by various influential leaders throughout the globe, making it one of the most widely used leadership style. Participative style is a very useful tool to promote employee satisfaction and employee morale. Leadership theories Leadership theories can be described as different ways to leadership and how leaders are created and how different types of leaders lead leader are by born or they are made .There are many different theories of leadership proposals, but I chose the most quoted of all three. We will explain in detail a bit Transformation leaders Business leaders to create a high-performance workforce is becoming increasingly important, and to do so beyond the job requirements and encourage the kind of organization should be able to. Injury strain the new concept of leadership Leadership As a result, being one of them. Teams, departments, divisions, and the entire organization: variant leadership can be found at all levels of the organization. These leaders the vision, inspiration, daring, risk the same, and thoughtful thinkers. They are equipped with a charismatic charm, Charisma alone is not enough to change the way the organization operating. For major changes, transformation leaders should exhibit the following four elements: Inspirational Motivation:  The foundation of transformational leadership is the promotion of consistent vision, mission, and a set of values to the members. Their vision is so compelling that they know what they want from every interaction. Transformational leaders guide followers by providing them with a sense of meaning and challenge. They work enthusiastically and optimistically to foster the spirit of teamwork and commitment. Idealized Influence:  They believe in the philosophy that a leader can influence followers only when he practices what he preaches. The leaders act as role models that followers seek to emulate. Such leaders always win the trust and respect of their followers through their action. They typically place their followers needs over their own, sacrifice their personal gains for them, ad demonstrate high standards of ethical conduct. The use of power by such leaders is aimed at influencing them to strive for the common goals of the organization. Individualized Consideration:  Leaders act as mentors to their followers and reward them for creativity and innovation. The followers are treated differently according to their talents and knowledge. They are empowered to make decisions and are always provided with the needed support to implement their decisions. Situational leadership theory The situational leadership theory developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard. The model shows that the management of employees skills and work readiness of the individual employee and no one needs leadership style better to adjust. It is the model of situational leadership theory; managers can adjust their direction according to the needs of employees and implementation of effective leadership based on the situational context of Basa. The heart of the model leaders should review their followers to support the trailer on the basis of needs and opportunities. In this way, developing their skills of their followers, and of course, is more qualified, mature and independent. Participative Theories Participative leadership theories suggest that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others. Role model Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi is generally considered one of the most influential world leader from humble beginning he gained world prominence helped achieve independent for India and left a lasting legacy for us all. many of Gandhis core principles are remarkably relevant. This is especially true of Gandhi thoughts and practice in the realm of leadership competencies and self development. He famous quote live as if you were to die tomorrow learn as if you were to live forever His thinking was Non violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind According to Mahatma Gandhi was democratic leadership style . His leadership was over a whole country. A country of over 30 crore people.   It started in 1915 when he returned from South Africa where he was an advocate. In South Africa, he became acutely aware   of the inequalities and ignominies trusted upon Indians and blacks by the White men. He was not a leader who did not listen to his subordinates. He had emphatically said that India could not be divided and if it had to be done, it would be over his dead body. But, when the rest of the leadership   put forward the theory of partition being the only solution to the imbroglio of Hindu-Muslim divide, he thought over it thoroughly and saw the inevitability of it and gave his nod. More than than anything else, he was a leader without a thought for himself. He could have become anything he wanted in the government. It says something for him that no one even suggested that he become the prime minister or the president. He would have laughed his head off! He was not even present during the change of guard ceremony on   the night of August 15, 1947. He was with the poor victims of caste violence in Calcutta! He was, after all, one of the people, not a leader! Vision :- Gandhis vision was for and independent India made up of peaceful and self sufficient villages. Gandhi encouraged inclusion of the untouchable class. He encouraged people to return to traditional Indian lifestyles and to create their own goods withing their villages. Mission:-   Let me read you his personal mission statement: Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day: I shall not fear anyone on Earth. I shall fear only God. I shall not bear ill will toward anyone. I shall not submit to injustice form anyone. I shall conquer untruth by truth and in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering. but this is his personal mission statement but his mission was freedom of India from British empires. Bhagat singh On the other side we will talk about Bhagat singh ji. He was one of the freedom fighter of India same like Mahatma Gandhi but his way get freedom was different from other . Bhagat Singh believed that the rich would only get richer and the poor would only get poorer in the case if India did not adopt the socialistic approach. Bhagat Singh became the first socialist leader of the country.but he always take deision his own so He was autocratic leader. The British authority, while interrogating them, came to know about their involvement in the murder of J. P. Saunders. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev were charged with the murder. Singh admitted to the murder and made statements against the British rule during the trial.   While in jail, Bhagat Singh found that the authorities were following a dual policy in treating the prisoners. The criminals of foreign origin were treated better than Indian political prisoners. As a protest, he along with some fellow prisoners declared to go on hunger strike. The strike continued for over a month and finally the British had to accept before their conditions.So this behaviour shows that is autocratic leader he didnt ask anyone in jail what he is going to do. Bhagat Singh along with other revolutionaries found responsible for the Assembly bombing and murder of Saunders. On March 23, 1931, Bhagat Singh was hanged in Lahore with his fellow comrades Rajguru and Sukhdev. Singh was cremated at Hussainiwala on banks of Sutlej river. In terms of leadership styles,  Bhagat Singhs was a more entrepreneurial , go-it-alone style. leadership by example, self-sacrifice, with a pro-active plan. Gandhis was more persuasion and extracting the lowest common denominator across different segments of the masses. in general, if one had to choose, one might prefer the Gandhi method of taking people along on your decisions. only thing then is that the plan better be a good one. if any problem was in Gandhis plan was that a carefully slow one. not sure also that it wasnt just a series of adhoc reactions to various events along the way. Gandhi makes people his power but on other side Bhagat singh who take his decision on his own. Evaluation of two leaders with my leadership style and values Quality Mahatma Gandhi Bhagat singh Rajbir Singh Personal values kindness Determination Discipline Simplicity ambition competency integrity service responsibility hard worker Teamwork Loyalty Satisfying others Improvement Personal Beliefs Truth   Nonviolence   Vegetarianism   Brahmacharya   Simplicity   Faith   work in team violence for freedom open mind Revolution freedom fighter Every work should be Done in a perfect way 2. A teamwork is always Helpful to achieve a Goal 3. First deserve than desire 4. Always believe in yourself And dont expect much from Others 5. Life is small be happy and make Other happy. Personal Attitudes 1.Political minded 2.Helping others 3.Devotional 4.Visionry 5.Kindness NON Political minded Beauty lover Aggressive Helpfulness Interested 1.Aggresive 2.Fun loving 3.Logical 4 Political minded 5.Enthusiastic Personal Traits l. Helpful 2.kind 3.devotional 1.visionary 2.Innovative 3. Fun loving 1.logical 2.Rightness 3.Helpful Benchmarking Criteria Benchmarking Tools Leadership is a measureless scope that has no boundaries none can actually describe its area, method, traits, or other specifications. Benchmarking tools is very useful when people want to know where they stand but benchmarking tool is basically comparison with you and other leader or people characteristics. Communication:-communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another.  . Many of the problems can be occur in an organization are the either the direct result of people failing to communicate and/or processes, which leads to confusion and can cause good plans to fail. Dedication:-   dedication means spending whatever time or energy is necessary to accomplish the task at hand. A leader inspires dedication by example, doing whatever it takes to complete the next step toward the vision. Openness:- openness means being able to listen to new ideas, even if they do not conform to the usual way of thinking. Good leaders are able to suspend judgment while listening to others ideas, as well as accept new ways of doing things that someone else thought of to talk with their followers. Decision making:-Good leader also need to have ability to make a good decision making. Decision making is vital tools of benchmarking. Confidence:-confidence means you have to believe in yourself and i can do this sprit I know it sounds unoriginal, but confidence makes the leader. If you dont your charges will begin to question whether or not you know what you are talking about. Patience:- If you explain a task or situation to your staff and they dont understand, then clarify it for them. Its not their fault that they dont understand your instructions can be wrong. Good leader need to have patience to get results.   Loyalty:- This is something that you expect of your leader. It is also something that your leader expect from you. loyalty is the part of happiness. Loyalty makes good relations with leader and follow Responsibility:- some leaders are more responsible than other .  Leaders are willing to bear the ultimate responsibility for  their undertakings. They dont point the finger of blame when things go twisted. Benchmarking I have created a table below which shows how I rate myself against the benchmarking criteria listed above. For excellence, the rate is 5 For good, the rate is 4 For average, the rate is 3 For below average, the rate is 2 For poor, the rate is 1 For poor, the rate is 1 S. No Benchmarking Criteria Rating 1. Communication 4 2. Dedication 5 3. Openness 4 4. Decision making 3 5. Confidence 4 6. Patience 4 7. Loyalty 2 8. Responsibility 4 Rationale for Benchmarking For communication I rated myself 4 because communication is always two way process between two living things. At my workplace without communication u cant work in field. My co-workers at my work place also try to be like me. I always focus on my job first other than doing something else. In dedication I rate myself 5 because if i am loyal to someone or something, such as a job. To work hard towards a goal with little thought to other matters, example like : He was so dedicated to his job that he never had any free time. openness is very good quality of leaders. I am very open to talk with everyone at my workplace fun loving man. Anyone can talk with me at any time about anything. At my work place sometime I have to take decision on my own basis without any interruption from others. sometime its hard to take decision sometime easy. like i am working for watercare and i have to turn off water of key account most of the time we try to avoid to turn off the water of key account let me ex plain you little bit what is key account like storage of fuel place like one at end of viaduct harbour. If i have turn off water i will make my call by myself , I have to sort out that problem on the spot. So it is improving my decision making ability. Also when my boss tells me about new job or how to tackle with different situations I listen to them very carefully to avoid problem in future, which shows I have good listening skills and its my responsible level at workplace. Reflection leader are made or leader born this question always in debate. But according me can be made or they are by born. Time has ability to change everything .my leadership style is participative leadership style i like to work in teams. where every one working together on common goal. Sometime I behave as a leader in my house sometime at my working place and sometime at my collage. I used to compare myself with my supervisor and always notice their work that how he complete his work. And after analysing all this I feel I need to learn a lot in terms of leadership. Sometimes I feel great when I performed my duties like by boss. I day in my life i will be become a good leader. To achieve this I am doing lots of study on great leaders in the world that will help in future . Personal Development Plan Opportunities (Goals) Short-term Goals To pass out my diploma in business level 5 from (Kiwi Institute of training and Education) Start my other course water reticulation level 4 Get two year work permit. Get permanent resident of NZ. work on myself confidence. Long term goals I want to do plumbing course in Newzealand. Setup my own plumbing business. Buy my own house. World tour. Rationale To pass out my diploma in business level 5:- First thing i need to complete my course soon as possible because my company is offering me a good job that is good for my future. Start my other course water reticulation level 4 :- After this business diploma my company is offering me water reticulation level 4 course that will give me more knowledge about my work. Get two year work permit:- I need apply two year work permit hope so they will give me. Get permanent resident of NZ :-After all this if everything will go right i will apply for P.R . Work on myself confidence:- Sometime i loose myself confidence even know that i can do it. Plumbing course in Newzealand:- In long-term goal i will do plumbing course from M.I.T that will help me in future. Setup my own plumbing business. After i done my plumbing course i would like to set up my own business. Buy my own house. Everyone have dream to buy a their own home same like other i had dream of buy my own home. World tour. I like to go for world tour but this is my long term plan. Strategies I am more practical then theatrical person I like to do things practically rather than theatrically to pass business diploma I am doing hard work in study. To get this Opportunities i did very hardwork in company in hole company there is only two person with this course. For my work permit i already ask my boss he is ready to help me as soon i will finish my this course. Confident level is this kind of goal that I have to improve by myself by picking up hard job but in this method i have to make sure that i will be not get overconfident. In long term goal i want study in plumbing course in NZ previous year I tried to get admission in plumbing but they gave to only permanent resident people so I have to my permanent resident first. My leadership style is participative style working in teams or in group together delegating work to other so in long term plan I will try to open my own plumbing business. I am going to start saving for my world tour i like to go around the world amd meet different people. Time frame Whether you are on course to complete the work in accordance with the agreed  time frame. To accomplish several tasks in a limited frame of time you need to make short term plan of achieving these goals. Have an everyday to -do- list and make sure that the tasks on your list are accomplished daily. You need to sacrifice and also discipline yourself and then you will achieve. My short term goal and short term goal are related to each other if one of them not complete or some problem in it then other one cant complete them I will make a Time Frame on the basis of my leadership skills and knowledge. I will check time to time whether I am achieving the goals , If I am not hitting the goals then i will find out the reason. Measures

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Parents Roles in Development of Eating Disorders: How Important is the

Parents' Roles in Development of Eating Disorders Introduction Much of the literature that focuses on the parents' role in the development of eating disorders is focused on the mother and the mother-daughter relationship. Studies have shown conclusively that a mother's body image and eating habits are, mirrored in her daughter, and that if she is obsessed with her own body image, it stands likely that her daughter will be the same way both growing up and in her adult life. The father, though, is often left out of the research except for in the basic family profile. Here, we will examine the active role that the father plays in the development of eating disorders in their daughters. First, we will explore why the father's ideas and how they are expressed can lead to an eating disorder. Next, we will discuss how a daughter's feelings are transformed into symptoms of eating disorders, and finally, we will conclude with how the relationship needs to change to help daughters recover from the vice of an eating disorder. The Ideas of the Father Since men in our society are "encouraged to achieve but not to feel" (Maine), fathering is often a difficult task for men, especially with their daughters because the relationship requires "more intimacy then most men can handle" (Maine). Men try to bond with their daughters oftentimes with gifts or compliments, but not with interaction into their lives. Daughters look up to their fathers and want to please them, so they look around to see what makes their fathers happy and try to emulate whatever it is. The first place to look is at the relationship the father has with the mother. If a girl has an average weight mother, but constantly hears her father encouraging her to diet or e... ...erved their most important role model do all their lives. Thus, the cycle continues unless fathers are willing to make the effort to reach out to their children in a way that teaches love and respect based not solely on appearance. Things can change, and father/daughter relationships are a crucial part of the ever-increasing developments towards the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. Works Cited 1. Bloom-Feshback. "Historical Perspectives on the Father's Role." In Lamb, M.E. (ed), The Role of the Father in Child Development. John Wiley Press, New York. 1981. 2. Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa Association newsletter, Volume 13 Issue 3, Fall 1995. 3. Chemin, Kim. Reinventing Eye: Modem Woman In Search of Herself. Harper and Rowe, New York. 1987. 4. Maine, Margo. Father Hunger, Fathers, Daughters, and Food. Gurze Books, Carlsbad, CA. 199 1.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Association football and substitute goalkeeper Essay

The goalkeeper is the most specialised position in football. A goalkeeper’s job is mainly defensive: to guard the team’s goal from being breached (to not let the other team score). Goalkeeper is the only position defined in the Laws of the Game. Goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands and arms, however they are restricted to doing so only within their penalty area; for this reason, they must wear jerseys that distinguish them from other outfield players and the referee. If a goalkeeper is sent off or injured, and there is no substitute goalkeeper available, an outfield player must take the goalkeeper’s place and put on the appropriate identifying uniform.[3]. The discipline of goalkeeping is so specialised that it is very rare in the professional game for a goalkeeper to play in any other position. One notable exception is Jorge Campos of Mexico, who played effectively as a striker when called upon.[4]. A goalkeeper with good technical skill may opt to take his team’s penalties and free kicks though this is rare as the goalkeeper would be caught out of position if possession is conceded immediately after the kick. Josà © Luis Chilavert, formerly of Và ©lez Sà ¡rsfield and Paraguay, and Rogà ©rio Ceni of Sà £o Paulo and Brazil are well-known free-kick and penalty specialists with over 100 goals to their names. Hans-Jà ¶rg Butt is the goalkeeper to have scored in the most different competitions, having scored in all of Germany’s top four divisions, the German cup and the UEFA Champions League. [5][6][7] Physical strength, height, jumping ability and judgement are valued qualities for goalkeepers to have in order to deal with aerial balls and agility, quick reactions and a good positional sense are all needed for shot stopping.[8][9] The standard football skills of ball control, tackling, passing and dribbling are not usually required in a goalkeeper, although the introduction of the back-pass rule in the early 1990s has necessitated improvement on such skills.[10].

Friday, November 8, 2019

Eveline And Araby

Eveline And Araby Eveline and Araby Both Eveline and Araby were well written short stories by James Joyce. Reading these two stories without performing any analysis or study, it would be improbable to notice their similarities considering they embody abstruse and obscure symbols within their settings and situations. But after meticulous study, the similarities in their themes and plot become clear and apparent.Eveline and Araby share the same theme, which is that knowing the distinctions between the real and the ideal can be momentous. Not knowing this distinction will create confusion and conflict in life as it did for Eveline and the boy. For Eveline, it nearly took her down the wrong path in life with Frank. For the boy, it had created isolation for him and nearly took him down the wrong path in life with false dreams and love for Mangan's sister.There are bountiful similarities between the plots of Eveline and Araby.Afscheid Eveline de HaanThey both have significant patterns in their sequence of a ctions. One point or another before the climatic moment, the protagonist's situation was revealed. In Eveline, she was in a situation torn between two worlds and was in need of guidance by "God". She was in a state of confusion and needed him "to direct her" and help her choose which road to take. In Araby, the boy was also in a situation torn between what was real and ideal and he needed guidance in the "blind" world around him. Since he was in a state of isolation, it made him more vulnerable to confusion. Like Eveline, he wasn't able to receive the guidance that he needed. Both stories also similarly reveal the protagonist's hidden cause of confusion (central conflict). Eveline was too focused on the boring and horrible aspects of her life, that she got confused...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to stay eager and motivated during the summer

How to stay eager and motivated during the summer Which is worse: a case of the Mondays, or a case of the Summer Fridays? There’s always the coffee cure for that groggy feeling as you drag your feet to work on Mondays, but what about the long slow burn of the summer Fridays, when you’re surrounded by empty desks of people on vacation? Whether it’s the summer heat, the creeping envy of coworkers on vacation, or just the call of the outdoors, staying motivated and productive this time of year can be a challenge. Here are 5 ways to beat the summer blahs, stay focused, and enjoy your work more. Set micro-goalsReaching a goal you’ve worked hard for can make you feel a great sense of accomplishment. So why not get this feeling in smaller doses to help give you a boost throughout the day? Making a list of small goals- even â€Å"get coffee†- can help you get focused and get the ball rolling on the tasks you need to do. Checking something off your list can also help you feel productive and organized. Even better: set time goals. Turn your task into a small challenge. What can you get done in the next 15 minutes? To stay truly productive, schedule the next hour, the whole morning, and the rest of the day.DaydreamBut make sure you also schedule some break time. You may find yourself avoiding work to think about all the fun coworkers are having on vacation as you sit in your ghost town of an office, or to start planning out your ideal beach weekend. Use this tendency to daydream to your advantage by making it strategic. Letting yourself daydream (on a time limit) can refresh you and help you refocus before you go back to your work. It’s better to give yourself planned breaks rather than let your mind wander all day. And whatever you do, stay off social media (scrolling through posts of other people’s sunsets and palm trees won’t help you stay motivated).Reward yourselfWe’re not rats in a maze, but we are motivated to act by reward centers in our brains. If yo u’re absolutely burnt out at work and wishing you could take the day off and enjoy the sun, make your break times, evenings, and weekends count. Treat yourself by splurging on a really great lunch. Go to a movie after work. Rest well. Buy a new outfit as if you were taking a vacation. Plan a day trip for the upcoming weekend. Cost and time can prohibit you from actually going to the Bahamas, but even simply planning something you will enjoy later can boost your mood now- helping you be more productive in your everyday routine.Switch up your routineSpeaking of the everyday routine: if you just find yourself wishing you were elsewhere, bring a little something different into your everyday. Listen to calypso music on headphones or drink a nonalcoholic frozen pineapple beverage with your lunch. Even get an iced coffee instead of hot coffee. Walk a different way to work. One thing a vacation does is break up the everyday routine and give you a change of scenery – you can do this on a small scale. Let something in your day feel a little different to make the summertime special, even within your office walls.Bring the outdoors inSimilarly, if you are yearning to go outdoors in the sun, bring some nature into your office space. Listen to some ocean waves. Buy yourself a plant or some flowers for your desk. Look at pictures of nature or places you want to go. Spending a weekend on the beach can be restorative, but simply looking at nature can also actually make you calmer.Acknowledging your desire to be elsewhere will help you be more productive then trying to ignore it. Tapping into the small things that can help keep you motivated and help break up the rut will help you get through those long summer days.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Auer waffeln an austrian company's tale of growth,globalization and Essay

Auer waffeln an austrian company's tale of growth,globalization and decline - Essay Example Business organizations rely on the effectiveness of their marketing strategies, which should always determine the potential of the market thereby informing the subsequent production process of the organization. An effective marketing process should inform the production thereby preventing the organization from incurring losses (Solomon et al, 2009). SWOT analysis The marketing process relies on a number of organizational analyses key among which is the SWOT analysis. This is a business tool used in analyzing the potential of the business organization in sustaining the market demands. The first two components of the analysis are the Strengths and weaknesses of the business organization while the last two are opportunities and threats of the business. The first two elements are therefore within the organization and the organization can manipulate them to ensure it sustains its profitability. The last two on the other hand exist externally; they are part of the market forces implying th at the business organization cannon manipulate them. They therefore determine the profitability of the business. ... The growth if the business portrays a number of management success resulting from bold management strategies. However, the business later stifled away following a number of management lapses and the inability to maintain its market share. The success of the business depends on the effectiveness of the business idea and the nature of the execution of the idea. Guenter Auer identified a potential need for the foodstuff in the Austrian market. The business later flourished following the effectiveness of the business idea. Apparently, the Austrian market had lacked such a business thereby creating a loud that the Waffeln business seamlessly filled. Market entry strategies After identifying an effective business idea, the nature of executing the idea becomes essential in safeguarding the success of the business. Auer identified a gap within the market and therefore decided to fill it thereby developing a market of its own. The idea was unique and therefore took the market by surprise. The business therefore developed a sizable market for itself. However, Auer knew the nature of the market and the amount of potential it had. He therefore began by operating his business in a small scale within the small local market. This did not only provide adequate profitability but also provided the organization with an effective market research opportunity (Ghauri & Cateora, 2010). Through the small local market, he determined that the business could grow to become a national and progressively an international business. He therefore realized the need for a more qualified manager for the business a factor which compelled him to send his son to some of the best schools from where he studied manage net among other operational courses related to production.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Healthy Baltimore 2015 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Healthy Baltimore 2015 - Research Paper Example The city was also referred to as a major production center. After a decrease in production, Baltimore moved to a service related economy. The different hospitals used to working as the citys main two managers (Regan, 36). At 621,342 at the beginning of July 1, 2012, the number of inhabitants in Baltimore expanded by 1,100 occupants over the past year. The Baltimore Metropolitan Area has become relentlessly to nearly 2.7 million inhabitants in 2010. The city was alluded to as the twentieth biggest nation in the globe. Baltimore is also a primary city in the bigger Baltimore–Washington metropolitan territory of nearly 8.4 million inhabitants. With many recognized regions, Baltimore has been named "the city of neighborhoods." It is also nicknamed as Charm City. The abilities of authors Edgar Allan Poe and H.L. Mencken, musical artist James "Eubie" Blake, and vocalist Billie Holiday, and the citys part in the post-War and Scott Keys composition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" have all impacted the citys historical vitality. Baltimore is in the north of the Patapsco River. This is near to where it purges into the Chesapeake Bay. This river isolates Baltimore into two levels of lower city and upper city. The citys height ranges from ocean level. As stated by the 2010 Census, the city has an aggregate territory of 92.052 square miles (238.41 km2). However, 80.944 sq mi (209.64 km2) is area and 11.108 sq mi (28.77 km2) is water. The aggregate region is 12.07 percent water. It is circumscribed by Anne Arundel County to the south. Minority health is the main problem in Baltimore city. It concentrates on the health of racial and ethnic minority or multicultural populations. It is an exceptionally critical issue in Baltimore. An alternate term used to address minority health is racial and ethnic health variations. Health differences are unfavorable or unequal differences in

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The PROS and CONS ofImplantingInformation Chips in Humans Essay

The PROS and CONS ofImplantingInformation Chips in Humans - Essay Example Due to reason, several eras has come in healthcare practice to improve the medical record system of patients to the highest logical point. As the debate rages on how medical record system can be improved, scientists have been swift in incorporating technology into the whole system. With something that started with the need to switch from paper records of patients to computer database software in keeping records of patients, we today have proposals on implanting chips in people to keep their medical records. The device is known as the implantable medical ID. Stein (2004) explains that the device is â€Å"a microchip that can be implanted under the skin to give doctors instant access to a patient's records.† Already, the proposal to implement the implantable medical records has won government approval. For now, the best thing to do is to continue detain on the pros and cons of the device and technology to come to a logical conclusion on whether or not the system would be helpful in the discharge of medical duties. Pros Already, there are health gurus who have approved of the use of the implantable medical ID and have started using them already. ... Therefore if there is the need to switch hospital at any point in time or travel inter-state, the records of the user will be ready as and when they are needed. The second point has to do with the safety of the system. Clearly, papers get burn or soaked with water and computer software gets corrupted or crashed. Any of these situations temper with the safety of records. With the implantable medical ID however, the records remain intact as long as the patient is alive. Yet again, the implantable medical ID is very reliable in emergency situations. Indeed medical emergencies come unannounced and therefore make the need to going to get a person’s records in times of medical emergencies very difficult. With the implantable medical ID however, a patient does not have to worry about emergencies because the device caters for that. It is always available and reliable. These points are supported by Merrill (2009) who states that the implantable medical ID â€Å"was designed to provide his identification and immediate access to his medical history in the event of an emergency.† Cons The beautiful advantages discussed above notwithstanding, the implantable medical ID come with a number of cons or disadvantages. There are commentators who argue as to whether or not the implantation and its removal themselves do not pose health risks and threats. There are many critics who are of the view that even though it is easier implanting the chip, removing it can be very complicated. John Halamka, MD, CIO at Harvard Medical School and CareGroup in Massachusetts, for instance laments that â€Å"it’s easy to insert but challenging to remove. I have no plan to have mine removed† (Merrill, 2009). The second demerit has to do with the cost involved in

Monday, October 28, 2019

The plays Miss Julie Essay Example for Free

The plays Miss Julie Essay The plays Miss Julie, August Strindberg, 1888 and A Dolls House, Henrik Ibsen, 1879 are two plays with a variety of themes and different views of life. But both plays have women as their major characters: Julie and Nora Helmer. The role of women in both plays is shown to be different. In Miss Julie, Strindberg shows women as inferior in society, as he believed that they were a secondary form of humans. In A Dolls House, at first, we think that Nora is a typical innocent wife. This leads Ibsen to relate women seen by society, as wives, mothers, and working at home. Ibsen wants to reinforce the subordination of the role of women to show the need for changes. A comparative study will be made of the lives of these two women and the role they occupy in each play. Julie is the mistress of the house, with Jean, the valet and Kristin, the cook. All the events and problems happening in the play could be a result of certain circumstances: first, her feminist mothers primary instincts about men made her disgusted and horrified about them. The absence of her father leads to an incomplete rising of herself. She had just broken off her engagement and her ex-fianci had an influence on her depravation. Also, it was in Midsummer Eve, she was in her period; she loved dancing, and was influenced by the flowers. Julie starts as superior to Jean in terms of class, as she is from an aristocratic family and Jean is her fathers servant. She manipulates him in the start: Supposing I order you to Julie (pg 81), Ill obey Jean (pg 81). Miss Julie starts making advances to Jean, who becomes worried about her reputation, becomes wild calling him to dance, and he ends up conquering her sexually. Jean thought that having sex with her would probably help him to better his social status, but he discovers she is penniless and so desists. Jean at first was in love with Julie, idealizes her at the start but once he had had her, he starts to degrade Julie. Julie becomes a sick woman, suffering from hysteria and feminine masochism, Julie had the desire to fall and be dominated by a man. Now Julie was totally dependent upon Jean. Jean was superior to Julie in terms of morality as he was a man and she was a degenerate woman. Strindberg wants to show that Jeans power over Julie is not because of the fact that he is rising socially but only because he is a man. This shows how maleness is a sign of superior status. Julie suffers a severe depression and humiliation as the sexual affair with Jean pushed her to the edge. Julie degrades herself when taking the initiative and sleeping with Jean, places herself beneath his level, destroyed the image of the woman.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Interactive Video Delivery Services

Interactive Video Delivery Services Video-On-Demand Interactive Services Interactive video delivery services are a fundamental change in the TV interface  paradigm. They shift the delivery paradigm from carrying many simultaneous parallel  streams (channels) to one that carries concurrent accesses through separate channels into a  database. Traditionally, in a broadcast TV system, many stations broadcast their programs  simultaneously and the user selects a specific channel to view. As a result, a user is  restricted to a chronology of parallel and competing programming whereas, an interactive  system makes all programming available to its users without this restriction. There is no  temporal restriction. All programming becomes available any time to the user. Types of Interactive Services Based on the amount of interactivity allowed (adapted from [4]), interactive services can be classified into several categories. The user is a passive participant and has no control over the session in broadcast (No-VOD) services that are similar to broadcast TV. The user signs up and pays for specific programming, similar to existing CATV PPV services in pay-per-view (PPV) services. The users are grouped based on a threshold of interest in quasi video-on-demand (Q-VOD) services. By switching to a different group, users can perform rudimentary temporal control activities. The functions like forward and reverse are simulated by transitions in discrete time intervals (on the order of 5 minutes) in near video-on-demand (N-VOD) services. The multiple channels with the same programming skewed in time [5, 15] can provide this capability. The user has complete control over the session presentation in true video-on-demand (T-VOD) services. The user has full-function VCR (virtual VCR) capabilities including forward and reverse play, freeze, and random positioning. For T-VOD, only a single channel is necessary; multiple channels become redundant. Technological Inhibitors There are other inhibiting issues to the ubiquitous deployment of interactive multimedia applications than just technological issues. In the digital environment, information is readily copied, reproduced, and altered, jeopardizing the established markets of the information providers. To convince an information provider to accept an all-digital system, certain incentives like mechanisms like encryption to protect intellectual property rights – that will maintain their data and thus help them stay in business are needed. (The Internet does not copy data, people copy data.) System Components for Video-on-Demand 5A detailed analysis of these issues is beyond the scope of this paper. An interesting survey of the  intellectual property rights problem has been provided by Samuelson [14]. Hundreds (if not thousands) of users with different viewing preferences will access a VOD system simultaneously. The quality of each session must remain within specified bounds to achieve customer satisfaction. This ensures the quality of the system. We will survey the individual technologies in the context of an end-to-end architecture for a VOD system. A typical VOD scenario contains a local database and server connected to user homes  via a communications network. The user home consists of a network interface coupled to a  display [4]. The user interacts with the system via a mouse or a computer keyboard. Fig. 2 illustrates this architecture. user interface and display high-speed backbone local database local server home viewer network interface multimedia archive and distributor multimedia archive Figure 2: A Simple VOD Architecture Management of System Resources in VOD We identified some of the technical problems in designing a VOD system in the previous sections. A VOD system is required to support a large customer population and many movie titles. Most existing prototypes are constricted to laboratory or office environments and support at most a few hundred users and up to a hundred movies. Large scale commercial systems  should need to more closely match the per-user resource requirements and usage patterns to  achieve economic feasibility. In this section, we look over some of these problems and discuss  existing research in this area. Resource Reservation One of the fundamental problems in developing a VOD system is one of storage and network I/O  bandwidth management. The VOD system possesses a finite amount of resources measured in  terms of storage I/O and communication bandwidths. As various customers compete for the same  system resources, efficient schemes that ensure fairness of allocation have to be designed. The service provider wants to generate the maximum revenue from the offered services. A  balance between these two often opposing requirements is necessary to tap the potential  benefits of the system. The first step to solve this problem is the development of an  accurate system model. We use the model proposed in Fig 2 as the basis for the remainder  of this discussion. The end-to-end VOD system comprises of three basic components; the storage server,  the network, and the user interface. The metadata server provides an additional level of  complexity to the system model. The time dependency of continuous media requires the  VOD system to ensure that the data transmission mechanism can provide for strict deadlines.   If these deadlines are missed, it is possible for the quality of the session to degrade. To ensure customer satisfaction, resources should be reserved along the entire data path of a connection on a per-session basis. The complexity of the resource reservation mechanism depends on the  application under consideration. Interactive services need the resource reservation to be made per-session along the entire data path, including at the source. A crucial factor which is affecting resource reservation is Quality-of-Service (QOS). The common interpretation of QOS is from a network perspective rather than a user or customer perspective. A more suitable view makes use of the two perspectives and yields two QOS characterizations (we can call them delivery quality and system QOS). A present  challenge is to identify the mapping from delivery quality to system QOS for a range of  system design parameters (e.g., data compression and network switching modes). User Traffic Characterization Although customers access the VOD system randomly, having a priori knowledge about  user access patterns can lead to a more efficient design. The system can make use of this information to manage network and storage bandwidths. As an example, if the traffic characteristics indicate that a movie is popular at a particular site, the system can replicate the movie locally to increase availability. The access pattern of users to the system will not be uniform over a given  24 hour period. Typically, one would expect the load to be low to moderate during the  daytime and to increase gradually through the evening and decrease again during the night. A hypothetical graph characterizing the access to a VOD database for a 24 hour period  is shown in Fig. 4. The access to the database is high during the evening hours, peaks at  around 9:00 PM, and is low-to-moderate during the day. This access pattern can be used for  designing schemes for various considerations like resource management; to update popularity tables, redistribute data, and reconfigure the system during off-peak hours. 0 5 10 15 20 time-of-day database-load Figure 4: A Schematic Daily-Access Model for a VOD System Similar models can be implemented and maintained for different geographical regions, movie categories, and individual titles. Such models are able to accommodate the differences in programming choices (e.g., children’s movies are more popular during the early evening hours) of different user groups. However, the complexity of these models, and their tractability is still to be established. Load Balancing An issue related directly to resource reservation is load balancing. The load balancing of VOD can be viewed as a combination of two sub-problems (i) The movie-storage  allocation problem and (ii) the resource location and connection establishment mechanism. Even though these problems are solved more easily individually, they are not independent  with respect to performance. From the perspective of a generic interactive  system, solving these issues is an open problem; however, simplifications can yield tractable solutions. As an example, if one assumes that a VOD system supports only stored data; i.e., movies  have to be digitized and stored before they can become available online, then the data  characteristics of a movie are well known in advance (e.g., the system has a priori knowledge  about the average bandwidth, burst rates, burst durations, etc.). This knowledge once available, can be used to simplify the design process. Making use of the metadata mechanism as described in Section 3 simplifies the task of management by decoupling the storage problem from the location problem.