Monday, December 30, 2019

unit 8 activity plan s care need - 1679 Words

Charlette Cox The setting in which the activity will take place is a nursery and it will take place within the baby room. There will be 2 other members of staff present and the number of babies varies. There isn’t a title for the activity as it’s more of an experience as it’s to suit a care need. He is months old. The aim of this experience is to help meet the baby’s individual care needs when changing a nappy. I have chosen to do this activity because my supervisor guided me to do him as he wriggles when being changed. To do this activity I observed the child whilst there nappy changed. The activity that I have planned is to when the baby needs his nappy changing to do it myself whilst being supervised by a member of staff. So when I†¦show more content†¦I did this activity following the babies’ routine in which I had to plan for. There isn’t a title to the activity as it is an activity to help a baby to sleep. The aim of this activity/ experience is to hopefully help the baby settle quicker when being put down for a nap. I choose to this as it would hopefully settle the child and sooth the baby quicker than usual and this would hopefully make the baby fewer distresses, as the baby would often coo or cry out which would disturb the other babies. By doing this activity/experience it will be meeting the baby’s individual care needs. Plus it is proven that baby’s nervous system grows and intellectual skills are developed. â€Å"Cranky baby who may have more difficulty not only sleep but also learning, intellectual, and socializing† Mick and Nick (2011) infant sleep Facts, As part of the babies daily routine they always have a sleep after lunch and I noticed that whilst in this routine the baby would often take time to settle during this part of the routine. I discussed with my supervisor a way in which to maybe help the child settle quicker. I prepared for this activity be ensuring that the cot was all set up correctly and that the music box was in the sleeping area already. Witch child has their own individual needs and meeting these needs is essential as not every baby is the same or has the same routine to go to sleep. Some parents may not want their baby to have a sleepShow MoreRelatedHealthcare Management Functions Of A Director Of Maternal Child Services1467 Words   |  6 Pagesthe different units report to the three assistant directors, as well as herself. Coulter, Decenzo, and Robbins (2014) said that â€Å"planning involves defining the organization’s objectives or goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities. It’s concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as with means (how it’s to be done)† (p.123). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Othello the Feminine Perspective Essay - 2729 Words

Othello, Shakespeare’s tragic drama, has much to say about women and the attitudes of social groups and individuals towards them. Let’s examine, from the top down, from the general to the lower ranks, these outlooks on women and other feminine considerations. Kenneth Muir, in the Introduction to William Shakespeare: Othello, explains the Moor’s blind ignorance of his won wife: Iago begins his temptation on the following morning, and he is able to exploit Othello’s comparative ignorance of his wife. This ignorance is only partly due to the fact that they have had no opportunity of living together. It is due to a number of other factors. Othello comes of royal birth but he has won for himself a place of distinction in the†¦show more content†¦Once there the two awaken the senator with loud shouts about his daughter’s elopement with Othello. In response to the noise and Iago’s vulgar descriptions of Desdemona’s involvement with the general, Brabantio arises from bed. With Roderigo’s help, he gathers a search party to go and find Desdemona and bring her home. The father’s attitude is that life without his Desdemona will be much worse than before: It is too true an evil: gone she is; And whats to come of my despised time Is nought but bitterness. (1.1) Brabantio is the old father, and he hates to lose the comforting services of his Desdemona. The daughter’s husband Othello expresses his sentiments to Iago regarding his relationship with the senator’s daughter, saying that I love the gentle Desdemona, I would not my unhoused free condition Put into circumscription and confine For the seas worth. (1.2) Once that Brabantio has located Othello, the father presses charges publicly in order to have Desdemona returned: To prison, till fit time Of law and course of direct session Call thee to answer. (1.2) The proceedings which take place before the Duke of Venice enable the audience to hear the feminine point of view for theShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Effects of Femininity1571 Words   |  7 Pagesideas of femininity have on literary texts, we must first acknowledge what the term means. Clearly both terms derive from the original sex of the being, whether male or female, and can be similarly tied in with notions of gender, either masculine or feminine, which are said to be constructs, or labels, created by society. However `masculinity and `femininity become, on some levels, dislodged from the idea of the biological makeup and gender constructs, and instead tend to be described in terms ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare Essay1606 Words   |  7 PagesThe theme of power is explored in various ways throughout ‘Othello’, Shakespeare uses the vulnerability of characters’ flaws to allow power shifts to occur through manipulation. 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Let’s consider them in this paper.    Alvin Kernan’s â€Å"Othello: an Introduction† explains the protagonist’s delayed conversion to the feminine perspective:    His willingness to speak of what he has doneRead MoreA Relationship Between A White And A Black Mother1313 Words   |  6 Pagestruth about a man before committing to him (Desdemona 20) However, she gets swayed by Othello, which perhaps filled the void left by her nursemaid. One interesting fact is the obvious feminist perspective in this play. Simone Beauvoir opines that women’s dream of great love usually comes in false and imperfect form (The Second Sex 684). Desdemona and Barbary ill-fated love seem to affirm the feminist perspective that women’s experience is the same when it comes to relationship with men, irrespectiveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello, The Moor Of Venice Essay1251 Words   |  6 PagesIn the play Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare, the women take on various roles in this Venetian society. 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Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, defines the character of the ancient’s wife:    Few of Shakespeare’s minor characters are more distinct than Emilia, and towards few do our feelingsRead More Emilia, A Heroine of Shakespeares Othello Essay1305 Words   |  6 PagesEmilia, A Heroine of Shakespeares Othello   Ã‚   Shakespeare, in his tragedy Othello, presents a minor character who does great things in the final act. Her character is deserving of analysis. Kenneth Muir, in the Introduction to William Shakespeare: Othello,   explains the motivation of Emilia through most of the play: Emilia’s character, too, is determined by the plot. In the source, the villain’s wife is privy to the nefarious designs. Shakespeare wisely makes her, like the other charactersRead MoreLiterary Scholarship And Criticism Of Shakespeare s The Invention Of The Human 1309 Words   |  6 Pagesable to express himself more vividly and memorably than anyone else in the language† (p. 7). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bullying Relational Aggression and Boys Free Essays

Bullying 1. Why do you think that bullying is an issue to study in Lifespan Development? I believe that bullying should be studies in Lifespan Development because Bullying is a multifaceted form of mistreatment, seen in schools and the workplace. It is characterized by the repeated exposure of one person to physical and emotional aggression like teasing, name calling, mockery, threats, harassment, taunting, hazing, social exclusion or rumours. We will write a custom essay sample on Bullying: Relational Aggression and Boys or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lifespan Development is the exploration of the biological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur across different periods of life. So I believe the two go hand in hand. 2. Describe the three components or types of bullying behavior, as observed by researchers. The three important components of bullying : 1. Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions. 2. Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time. 3. Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength. 3. Explain how gender influences the styles of bullying. In contrast to girls, boys of any age and ethnic group tend to be physically aggressive (e. g. , hit, kick, slap, push, or punch) . Also, research shows that physical abuse tends to occur more often among boys than girls at all educational levels (e. g. , elementary, high school, college). Also, male college students tend to bully and be bullied through physical and verbal forms of bullying (e. g. , name-calling) more often than college girls. Also, boys may be more accepting of bullying, than are girls. That is, boys may like a girl even if she bullies others. In contrast, girls may still befriend boys that bully, but tend to dislike girls that bully. At the core of these differences is children’s and, indeed, societal beliefs about acceptable behaviors for boys and girls. Many people may see bullying among boys as â€Å"just boys being boys. † So, girls may accept this attitude and tolerate boys’ bullying. However, girls may be less accepting of girls who bully if it is seen as overly aggressive. Girls tend to bully other girls through the peer group. Rather than bully a targeted child directly, girls more often share with other girls (and boys) hurtful information about the targeted child. For example, a girl may tell a group of girls an embarrassing story about another girl. They may create mean names, gossip, and come up with ways of letting the girl know that she is rejected from the peer group (for example, saying mean things about her on Facebook, using her email address to send harassing messages to everyone on her email list, texting her a death threat). These are called â€Å"relational† bullying because they attack relationships and friendships. Another example of bullying experienced more often by girls than boys is sexual (e. g. , touched in private body parts or received sexual messages). Sexual types of bullying may occur at school, in the general community, and on-line. In recent Canadian and U. S. surveys, a significant number of girls report receiving unwanted sexual messages. Fewer boys reported being targeted. This form of bullying combined with messages about rejection from friendships is just as hurtful as being physically attacked, maybe even more hurtful. Rejecting messages can devastate a girl’s sense of enthusiasm for school and learning, self-esteem, and hopes for the future. These forms of bullying can be particularly time-consuming and difficult to resolve given that they involve many people over a period of time. It may even involve adults who react aggressively in defence of their children. In addition, parents and school authorities do not always detect gossiping or other covert bullying behaviors because it’s generally hidden from adults. Thus, they may not be disciplined and â€Å"caught†, which may increase the severity and duration of these behaviours. It may even occur among â€Å"friends†, making it seem that it’s just usual peer conflict. However, when one girl feels powerless in how she is being treated, then bullying is occurring, and adults need to intervene. Reference: http://www. education. com/reference/article/Ref_Bullying_Differences Children at Play 1. What kinds of skills are developed through play? 2. Why do children play? 3. List two kinds of gender preferences in play. How to cite Bullying: Relational Aggression and Boys, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

In What way has Shakespeare in Act 1 Scene 1 introduced dramatic tension and some of the key themes in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students

In What way has Shakespeare in Act 1 Scene 1 introduced dramatic tension and some of the key themes in Romeo and Juliet? Essay There are many themes in Romeo and Juliet, the main one is love. The play focuses on romantic love, especially on the concentrated passion that comes up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, love takes over everything for example families, friends and other loyalties. Deft thy father and refuse my name? this shows us that Juliet is contemplating her name as a Capulet. Love takes over Romeo as after the party Romeo abandons Mercutio and Benvolio to go to Juliet. Also Romeo risks his on life coming back to Verona when the Prince exiles him because he avenged Mercutios death. There is also a relationship in the themes of love and death, passion and violence. The connection between hate, violence and death is very obvious in the play. Even in the first scene, we can see the hatred between the Montagues and Capulets. The violence breaks out and one of the Montague servants is hurt. The relationship between love, hate and violence is easily seen in the play as later on in the play, Tybalt and Mercutio fight there is violence, Tybalt hates Romeo and Mercutio is sticking up for him so Tybalt takes it out on him. Mercutio says as he dies A plague on both your houses they have made worms meat of me Romeo then goes after Tybalt for he has slain one of Romeos dearest friends. One last plat is fate. We know that this comes in right from the start Star- Crosses this is to say that fate controls them. When Romeo believes that Juliet is dead he cries out then I defy you, stars completing the idea that the love between Romeo and Juliet is in opposition with the decrees of destiny. From Forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star crossed lovers take their life, whose misadventure piteous overthrows. Doth with their death bury their parents strife. O, I am fortunes Fool! (ROMEO) Then I defy you stars. (ROMEO) These quotes show us that the theme of fate as it plays out through the story. The chorus quote informs the audience that the lovers are destined to die tragically which would build up tension in the audience, as they will contemplate how they will die. The second quote illustrates the fact that Romeo sees himself as subject to the whims of fate. The third quote is just after he hears of Juliets death he declares himself openly opposed to the destiny that so grieves him. Shakespeare chooses a sonnet for effect in the prologue; a sonnet is a poem of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme. Shakespeare also used a sonnet because they were very popular in Elizabethan times. Shakespeares prologue carries a message and a sonnet would make it interesting and it was also appropriate for a serious love poem. Also the prologue tells us whats going to happen in the play. This is a very good idea as it builds up dramatic tension in the audience because the audience now begin to contemplate how the plot comes together. Shakespeare introduces your imagination into the prologue by saying, From ancient grudge break new mutiny this makes us ponder on what the grudge is and would also make the audience ponder what the grudge was. As I said earlier fate plays a big part in the play as when it says A pair of star crossed lovers this means it was predicted in the stars and there was nothing that could have been done to stop it. Elizabethan and modern audiences find this interesting, as they would question again how they would die. The language would build up tension in this fatal take their life this shows us that there will be death and destruction in the play. It is also emotional death Markd love for loving each other they die. It was important that Shakespeare raised tension at the beginning of the play so people wouldnt be bored and leave the theatre as Shakespeare wanted people to come back and tell their friends to go and see it just like directors now a days want people to go back and tell their friends it was fantastic for example the Lord of the Rings. Examine how Shakespeare uses key features of language to create tension, drama and atmosphere in Act 1 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet EssayTis true and therefore women being the weaker vessels are ever thrust to the wall. This shows us that not only do they think of women as weaker but also sex toys that they can use whenever they want, basically just rape them. It is important to the rest of the play that the audience know that women have no respect as Lady Capulet and Lady Montague both break before their husbands. But Shakespeare put Juliet into the play, which contradicts this, as Juliet is a strong, dominant and stubborn character. When the officers, Lords and Ladies enter the atmosphere would be chaotic as you would have the Lords wanting to join in and the Ladies trying to stop this brawl before anyone gets hurt. Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe. Prince Escales then enters and immediately tries to stop the fight he is very angry that blood has been spilt again Throw your mistemperd weapons to the ground and hear the sentence of your Prince. He is upset and angry that this has caused old people who cannot fight to go out and try and stop it but will properly get hurt. He orders that the next time the streets are disturbed someone will die for it. If you ever disturb our quite streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. The Montagues then speak with Benvolio as their concerns over Romeo come out as they never see him as he sleeps during the day and lives during the night. Romeo is a stereotypical Italian as he is a young spurned lover, he also acts before he thinks about his actions. Lord and Lady Montague send Benvolio to speak to him as in the whole of the play we never see a bond between the parents and the children. The parents can connect with other children but not their own, we can see this in a classical example with the Nurse and Lady Capulet. Nurse give leave a while, we must talk in secret. Nurse come back again. Lady Capulet cannot be in the same room with Juliet on her own and talk to her as we can see the Nurse has to be there. We can only presume that this was because the rich and powerful had servants to look after their children so there was no bond between them. Lady Montague is concerned with Romeos welfare, as it seems to be upset. She also wants Benvolio to convince him to come out of his depression. Black and portentous must this humour prove unless good council may the cause remove This shows us she cant do it herself she wants Benvolio to convince him to get out of the mood he is in. Benvolio is trying to get Romeo out of him depression Benvolio is trying to find out what is wrong with Romeo why is he in this depression. Romeo is feeling unrequited love for Rosaline. Out of her favour where I am in love. He is out of favour with Rosaline as she will be chaste and will have nothing to do with Romeo. Romeo is feeling in the depths of depression. Romeo is in a mixed up mood and doesnt know what he is talking about. This would prepare the audience for the rest of the play as we have already had builds up of tension in the play and the audience would know this and expect it more. I think the audience would find the ending of the play really emotional as the lovers die but many audience members would be left with many whys? For example Why didnt the letter get there in time I think the audience would find the ending horrible and would want a different ending.