Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descriptive Essay About Dance - 724 Words

As I wait for the curtains to open, I close my eyes for yet again another performance. My costume, my makeup, my stance, they are all familiar to me, but the excitement never drops. A bright light blinds me, and the cheers of the crowds go off. A few seconds pass and suddenly the music starts. Without even thinking, my body falls into the routine. The rush of the wind, the feel of energy, and the smiles on our faces all bring out the reason we dance. As the music finally comes to an end, we gather for the final pose. Breathing hard, I take in the applause from the audience. Those hours of practice finally paid off. I started dance classes when I was about four years old. I had grown up watching my mom dance gracefully across the kitchen,†¦show more content†¦I ended up forgetting my step due to that and went off rhythm. One by one, the dance started falling apart. In the end, the only people clapping for us were our parents. We were all mortified. We had practiced for so lon g! How could we have done so horribly? Crying, I ran up to my mom and said,  ¨I don’t want to dance anymore! ¨  ¨Why not? What happened? ¨  ¨We practiced so hard, and we all still messed up! It’s not fair! ¨ My mom knew this was all a phase and said,  ¨So you’re going to give up just because you didn’t succeed once? I suggest you try one more performance and give it all your effort. I’m sure you’ll want to continue after that. ¨ I agreed with my mom and went back to class the next day. Surprisingly, my teacher didn’t say anything about our performance. Instead, she told us about an upcoming competition. We were hesitant about taking part, but ultimately our teacher convinced us. This time we worked even harder and were determined to perform well. After three months, we found ourselves once again on the same stage waiting for the curtains to open. We were nervous but determined to do our best and win. Throughout the dance, though we made mistakes, we didn t stop but focused even harder. We couldn t tell how we had done, but we knew we had tried our best. As soon as the dance finished, we got into a group hug and cheered. None of us could stop smiling. At the end of the programme, a lady came on stage congratulating all the participants. We wereShow MoreRelatedNight by Elie Wiesel1271 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿THE CONTEXT ESSAY Written response to a prompt- a statement about the theme which you are required to â€Å"break open† in your response. Theme – â€Å"rites of passage† Example of a prompt: â€Å"Rites of passage presents obstacles which must be overcome† The context essay can take three forms: Expository Persuasive Imaginary THE PROMPT The prompt or stimulus is what must be addressed in relation to the texts you have explored. 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