Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Psy 244 Essay - 10464 Words

Psychology 244 Instructor: L.J. Harris PSYCHOLOGY 244 MIDTERM EXAMINATION Spring, 2014 Study Guide Organization of Examination and Questions From Which Test Questions Will be Drawn All questions on the examination will come from the lectures (Topics I – X) and the assigned chapters and parts of chapters in the textbook. To help frame the questions for you, they will be organized under the same main headings and subheadings used in the Lecture Notes. The only exceptions will be a few subheadings that pertain to material covered only in the text. Under each heading will be a mix of true-false and multiple-choice questions, and possibly a few analogies, with all answers to be recorded on a scantron sheet. Along with†¦show more content†¦Sample Question In his treatise, Gynecology, the Greek physician Soranus gave careful instructions for how infants should be swaddled: in soft cloths and strips of fabric from the head to the very tip of the toes. Soranuss main reason was to guide the infants growth, to protect it from growing crooked or lame. a. true b. false B. Middle Ages 2. People in the Middle Ages were interested in and concerned for the health and well-being of infants and children. Were they interested to the same degree in the psychology of infants and children? For example, did they understand that children are psychologically different from adults? If yes, how did they show this? If no, how did they show this? Explain your answer. ïÆ'  They showed kids in pictures dressed like adults; faces and bodies were like adults. E.g. Phillip Aries â€Å"small children at play† 3. One of the most famous speeches in Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It, is called The Seven Ages of Man. What do you think Shakespeare was trying to say about psychological development? (Links to videos of the speech can be found in the video version of the syllabus.) ïÆ'  these included three stages of childhood and four of adulthood. C. Renaissance 4. Debates about the relative roles of â€Å"nature† and â€Å"nurture† in human development date from ancient times, but they were especially prominent during the Renaissance. What do theShow MoreRelatedImplications For The Future Paper1627 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Implications for the Future Paper Tina M Link PSY/460 March 16, 2015 Dora Finamore Implications for the Future Paper Environmental problems exist everywhere in this world today; whether it is in air, the water, traffic, crowding, or noise. Dubois, Pennsylvania which is known for its lumber and coal mining has 7, 794 people living here today. 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